M61 Filter Breakthrough Times
Louisiana National Guard 62nd Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team (WMD-CST)
The 62nd WMD-CST rapidly assists first responders, provides expert medical and technical advice, and promotes operational readiness in the event of a CBRN incident within Louisiana. To support these objectives, the 62nd WMD-CST required relevant information regarding the M61 CBRN mask filter for training and readiness procedures. They requested breakthrough times for the M61 filter when tested against toxic industrial chemicals (TICs) and chemical warfare agents (CWAs).
HDIAC performed extensive research and analysis regarding M61 filter breakthrough times against various TICs and CWAs, flow rates, flow patterns, and challenge concentrations. HDIAC enumerated this test data for the 62nd WMDCST.
HDIAC's analysis will support operational readiness and serve as a useful resource in real-world domestic CBRN response operations. Further, the results of this effort have become an invaluable resource for advising first responders and military personnel on risk management and mission accomplishment.
The Homeland Defense Information Analysis Center (HDIAC) is operated by Information International Associates (IIA) under contract FA8075-13-D-0001.Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited..